Monday, September 12, 2016

Well hello world. This is my very first blog so please bare with me here. So here it is, I decided to blog no w that my sister has passed away from cancer. By the way Cancer is a bitch. Karma has nothing on that. I never thought I would be here today alone without my best friend. She was my better half, my mentor, my road dog, and at times my crutch. Since her death i haven't had the drive like before. I withdrew from life. My coworkers helped me put me in the hospital caused by mentally abusing me and intentionally creating a hostile work environment so I would feel isolated and shunned upon. Rumors were started and spread like a wildfire in my neighborhood destroyed my reputation in a whole. I didn't leave my home because I felt like I was being judged and talked about. My children suffered too. My 9 year old stressed out and was afraid I was going to die as he'd put it to my mom. I became sick and lost tons of weight. Honestly I  was ready to go be with my sister feeling my children would be better off with their guardian instead. During all of this going on, I found out who my real friends are, which added up to an impressive 0 when I needed some support. No support from "BABY DADDY" either.  WOW! My heart was empty and cold, i felt like all the people I was a good friend to over the years nobody can to my aid or gave me a second thought. I sat in the hospital alone, I mean not a call or text from anyone. Imagine how small, rejected, and used I felt. If it wasn't for my mother and my two babies i would have just gave up and died with nothing left to live for. I stll have days where I feel like I have no true value in this shit hole world I have the misfortune to call home. I cry some nights and then pray and pray hard to feel better and be strong again. 
So to sum up a really long story, my lemons are as follows: 
Worker's  Composition  cases, Disabled, unemployed, overdrawn account, no money,  narcissistic relationships,  anxious children, my car broke down and isn't worth fixing leaving me transportation to doctors and appointments, and all of my credit accounts are over jthe limit along with eviction  any month now. I don't have a big enough pitcher for the lemonade these will make. 
Thanks for your time reading if anyone does. Please nothing negative. Life is too short to criticize and bash people we don't know.  Have a  blessed day. 

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